Sunday, August 07, 2011

Evolving Management

The most problematic issue I’ve in countered with management today is their inability to see that the world is always changing (evolving).

For example, the very word manage is to maintain the current standard, train to a standard, but by definition manager does not make the standard, but I’ll come back to that in a moment.

So here we are maintaining the standard little short sighted really and I’ll show you why.

While it was once good to hunt and eat woolly mammoths at some point we stopped hunting them because it didn’t make sense to, perhaps because there weren’t any left but whatever the reason change happened.

Now the common approach for manager is to fall back on their skill base so there are no more mammoths we hunt something else!!! So life goes on… so the early morning he gets up and goes hunting… one day while doing this he comes across a farm (yes a farm) see a farm wasn’t invented by a manager as he was just doing what he was trained to do so the concept that there was some other way of doing this was completely new to him and alien to his normal approach.

Invention comes from leaders, see they have a vision, not a six-point plan, a vision comes from seeing that there is a better way or the way that we are doing it now as limits.

See good plans always have to things in common first they are simple and second they have some benefit over the existing plan.

In the modern times, we see the same thing, words like personal computer who would want one of those!! Well as it would turn out everyone in the end, same as the internet is for geeks!!! Will that turned out to not be true as well?

Albert Einstein made a very good quote on the subject that I’ll repeat back to you now. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

You see things are changing and seeing that and going with the next idea is what keeps you from being eaten alive in the competitive market known as capitalism.
One more point how many managers started top 100 companies in the world today Vs natural leaders and inventors!!!

So now I’ve run over all of the points and perhaps you agree with me or maybe you don’t, what is the solution? is there even a solution… well yes, there is, first don’t employ managers if you can avoid it… you need people with vision, not a rule book, second if you can’t do that then at least get new blood from time to time, if you don’t have a market perspective of the current and upcoming market then you’re already waiting to be eaten by the wolfs.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Winter Stories - Fear

Fear nothing, do I, - he would cry, "he had not feared of any beat or man", they used to say.

Now he himself will say, "I fear", not animal or man brought about this feeling but something with such simple beginning, the first time he felt his heart raced his pulse.

It was the day he felt her say good day.

Now he nearly terrified to contemplate the consequences of not having her about.

Winter Stories - Pain

Winter pain filled his bones as night grow cold.

Sitting by the fire did not warm him as it once had, as an icy thought had brought a frost about his now cold heart.

He had lost is the way and straight away had begun to decay the moment he said get away, in an anger he had been and throw away what needed to stay.

Now regretful he will stay.

Winter Stories - Never Say Goodbye

He said in a moment his love would never die, he promised he'd never say goodbye.

Little did he know he had spoken such words of truth.

For in the time to follow when he was to forget he could not get his peaceful forget, he found the truth of words once said in jest had passed the this simple test, so now he lays in fear that his life will remain a hollow frame like a window frame with no pain, feeling empty.

short new years stories

As midnight catches her hair, she looks so fair as if an angel was standing there.

Her eye so clear as he holds her hips, their lips begin to pout.

As the 12-hour chimes, their feelings do climb.

Tender embrace as they kiss, as their hearts start to race.

Could be the winter air why she is trembling there?