Monday, March 26, 2007

Sins of Our Fathers

Before we beginning let me ask you two questions

1) Is it right for us to be judged for something we did not personally commit?
2) If I do something wrong today is it up to my son to pay for that?

most people would say no in response to these questions so why are they not viewed this way when we talk about history some examples are the Black slave trade, Germany in the second world war.

The reason I use these is because they are still used today I could and might well add some more as I go along, but here is the basics is what they did wrong? In short yes, however here is the other question why are we continuing to punch the son and daughters that had nothing to do with it, why are they forced to feel guilty for something they have not done. Is it not just as wrong to continue to do so after all this is now generations ago, if we want to start to go back in time then we would have to ask what about the crusades and the Romans? Or some of the mean other countless examples in history we have.

Yet the very people who go on about these things today do very little to bring about change in today’s problem world, we still have slavery even if it is criminal it still going on just renamed human trafficking.
I’ve notice how that this doesn’t make the headlines as much even thou this affects all races alike as these are often people kidnapped from their hometowns most seem to end up in a west country where if lucky enough to be found they are deported and the people who have done this to them get little more than a fine.
To summarise, we send them home where they are free to be attacked by the same people not more than a few months later with no help or aid to them… that is a really caring world isn’t it

And as for mass murder of religious or ethics groups that still going on in Africa and the middle east.
I think it’s about time we stopped talking about the past and looked at the now, there are more people dying now than ever before because of our blind eye nature, and giving money isn’t going to solve it, people need lives, they need safety from the criminals food and housing.

When are we going to end this madness and act like responsible humans and not children pointing the finger and saying but he started it?