Monday, April 02, 2007

Manage or Manager

As a manager it's is your job to solve problems, however, most managers seem to solve problems by never saying there is one, so instead of things getting better things are getting worse, this can be seen in all the large companies, manager seems to get rewarded for not finding problems, when instead they could be rewarded for solving them.

There are two schools of thought and the first is if it’s not broken don’t fix it.
And the other one is if it's running it could be running smoother.
Now the reality is that the second is how things should be doing, this seems like allot of work but let’s look at it another way you spend an hour a day with the same problem but your too lazy to fix it forever so you spend the same hour every day in three-week you have spent the same amount of time as if you’d fix it on day one and now you’ve lost three weeks of putting your feet up.
This is a little motto I call “Taking Time to Have Time”
The basic rule to this work hard short term and relax long term, if nothing else it means you should never have to deal with the same problem twice.
Maybe being a manager is about managing the problem or maybe it’s about solving them you decide.