Monday, August 27, 2007

What is wisdom?

Wisdom, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defined as the
a: Accumulated philosophic or scientific learning-knowledge
b: Ability to discern inner qualities and relationships-insight
c: Good sense-judgment
d: Generally accepted belief Robert Darnton.
e: A wise attitude, belief, or course of action.
f: The teachings of the ancient wise men.

Ever find yourself in a WTF moment? Well, I do a lot just lately, sometimes it's a mix of people coming out with the craziest things and other times it's just a pure accident that you in counter something that can be seen or betrayed as wise.
“Example of this is the most profound words of wisdom coming from the most unexpected place, some of the best advice I’ve heard come from a seventeen-year-old, wisdom can some from a level of understanding or from a perspective that comes about from looking at the world in a different light to those around you.”

Wisdom on aspects; (most people) have a moment when their wisdom comes to great meaning and profound realisation, this moment when their view on life is most relevant.
“Sadly this happens all too few for most of us, leaving us with nothing more than a confused look on our face”

We can walk the same path but you can not walk in my steps because our feet are not the same.
“No, I’ve not gone mad! But it is a true saying of life, even with the same background and teachings students will not be the same, so your personal wisdom will be unique to you”

So dear reader have you understood that wisdom is like everything else and is a matter of perspective?
“Don’t, believe me, ok! Another example then, one man saves money and he is seen as wise another man spends money he is not seen as wise, then one day thugs come and take the first man's money and kill him, then later they come to take the second man's money and kill him. The second man might not have money but he has happy memories before he died knowing he enjoyed life… so who is wise?”

Wisdom can not be learned it come from within and the best way to find it is to think for a while, this can be at the top of a mountain or in your living room, the location is not important.
“Here are some tips for better understanding;
a: Think of someone you know and try to imagine their view on life.
b: Goto a marketplace or square and just watch people interact.
c: Change role for a day, if you can do something you’ve never done and you thought you’d never do it might be to help out in a soup kitchen or unblock drains or even help at a school. But you must do these things with an open mind, forget what you know and create a new view, even if it’s just for the day”