Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bad feeling

Why when we begin to enjoy ourselves do we always stop and start to look around for bad things.

Well apart from the fact that this is when something bad always happens in the moves the other reason seems to be that somewhere deep in the human mind we know that if we are enjoying ourselves something must be coming to get us….
Frankly this is only as true as you want it to be... and if you start to look for bad things I'm sure you'll find them.

However this feeling is not without a reason, the truth is that this feeling is like the one you have when you leave home and start thinking did I leave the windows open? is there as a reminder to you that you've over looked something, so if you have this feeling stop and review what is happening around you.

This is like a warning that you need to do something after this you can continue, if you choice to do nothing the problem will become larger until it does effect you in more ways than one.

So the lesson you must learn is to know where your feeling comes from and find the best way to deal with this.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Life flows like a river, like all rivers we must all pass over some rough stones to make them smooth.

Remember that you do not become tangled on the rock you simply pass over it, on your way to the ocean.

We come from the ocean of life, we are gathered up by the sun and fall from the sky, passing slowly over the plants and into the river, travelling far over the land to our home once more taking with us inner richness as we collect. The minerals we collect on our way is so that life in the ocean may continue. Your path is long and rich with minerals that you will take back with you. Although there are many every drop is important.

Together we can move the land and sculpt mountains.

Changing yourself

I will be honest and give you the words that are true about change.

You’ll find that people do not change you. They talk to you and tell you their view; change comes from within you… you have what you need within you to be what you want. Finding the place to make the change in yourself is all you need to achieve it.

Peace comes from within not from without.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Natural Resources

One of the greatest natural resource is inspiration; it runs deep within us all and all it needs is but a thought to tap its power.

Most often this comes in the form of a muse, one person that taps your inspiration by bringing you great satisfaction and glee, this give you the opportunity to explore the inner light and peace in your soul.

When this person comes along you will understand what freedom of thought really is as you find ideas flowing to you like a mounting stream.