Thursday, June 28, 2007

What is a lie?

A lie is when you know that what you’ve said is wrong, an example you know that you cannot lift 200kg but you say you can.

But if you say “I’ll be there in the morning” and you’re not because something happens between now and then, are you lying?

Then you have plausible deniability where you lie but not knowing that you are lying because you do not know that facts are different to what you have stated is that a lie?

Is it a lie when you say I’ll leave the office in 5 minutes and then write for another 15 before you look at the clock again, what is the defining truth in it, its knowing that you are going to do it, that answer if your intentions are to do it and you don’t, that’s not a lie that just not being able to.


Is there such a thing?

The only absolutes we know of are death and taxes but if you smart both of these can be cheated too or so they say.

True is not an absolute because there are points of view, you can ask enough people you will never be the same so it not 100% same answer, and is truth defined by the majority of people? Well no because if that was the case the world would be flat, in fact some people still believe that it is.

Is life an absolute, no because if it was then we’d have no choice and everything is just part of a design so that’s not absolute either?

Is science and absolute, sadly no that’s why we have sayings like Friday night special and gremlins.

So absolute is just another perspective made up to try and create rules in a world that hasn’t any fixed ones.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


A profanity will have an original meaning (which may change across time and language) which in itself may give some cause for offence. Additionally, many profanities will have applied meanings of their own, usually associated with their context and which therefore may vary significantly depending upon the intended purpose of the word in the sentence. For example; fuck, a profanity in English, has come to be a verb for the sexual act and may be used literally in this sense - "I fucked that bitch", but also in the context of an exclamation, "Fuck, he's clever!", as part of a derogatory remark - "Fuck off!", to refer to acts of violence - "I'll fuck you up!" or to simply add weight to a sentence - "This is fucking interesting!". The degree to which a profanity is offensive is a highly subjective matter as it relies upon how the use of the word affects an individual or group of individuals. Some will consider the original meaning of a word (for example, the sexual act) as being offensive or as a subject not fit for polite conversation (sexual acts, sexual references or reference to bodily parts, or religiously sensitive subjects) whilst others will have no objection to these subject matters and therefore words used to describe them.

Some will feel that certain words, having an established social taboo associated with them, are simply offensive by themselves, regardless of any context in which they are used; others will find profanities offensive mainly when used in a way deliberately intended to offend or insult, but less offensive in other contexts, such as a neutral exclamation.

Furthermore, some people may be in the habit of using highly insulting language (which may include profanity) for style or comedy purpose, especially amongst friends or familiar company where the intention is either not to insult or is to apply only a very mild insult. Thus, otherwise highly offensive insults can be used as terms of endearment - "How's it going, motherfucker?"
Finally, profanities may cause offence, regardless of context, if they have some religious meaning which may cause their use to offend those who follow a particular religion. The original meaning of the term was restricted to blasphemy, sacrilege or saying the Abrahamic god's name (or an identifier such as "Lord" or "God") in vain. Profanity in this context could be represented as a secular indifference to religion or religious figures, while blasphemy was a direct attack on them, often interpreted as such, even when the intent was not to do so.
As the concept of a profanity has been extended to include expressions with scatological, sexist, derogatory, racist, or sexual interpretations, the broader concept of 'socially unacceptable' language has emerged, with religious meaning playing a varying role, and the more vague and inclusive interpretation blurring the distinction between categories of offensiveness.

This modern concept of profanity has evolved differently throughout different cultures and languages. For example, many profanities in Canadian French are a corruption of religious terminology (the sacres), while many English obscenities tend to reference sexuality. A term which functions as a profanity in one language may often lack any profane quality when translated into another language.

Truth is a three side blade

Loyalty, Plato originally said that only a man who is just can be loyal, and that loyalty is a condition of genuine philosophy. The philosopher Josiah Royce said it was the supreme moral good, and that one's devotion to an object mattered more than the merits of the object itself. Loyalty is something we all have, but the question remains to what.

taught: “Real honesty is being honest about what your possibilities are, what your potentials are. That's where true honesty lies. It stretches us. It’s not simply admitting where we are - that’s a beginning step, it’s not the end step. So be honest about where you are but also be honest about what your possibilities are. That keeps the challenge of the path always before us.

Socrates had much to say about truth, honesty and morality, and explained that if people really understood that their behaviour was wrong — then they simply wouldn't choose it. Furthermore, the most dishonest someone is, the less likely they are to understand honesty and characterise their behaviour as wrong. Unfortunately, honesty and morality have been marginalised to specific lists of behaviours that change over time(like fashion). The understanding that honesty requires an unbiased approach to the truth and to evidence gathering at all times collides with ideologies of all types. This would explain why honesty, although talked about a lot-- has failed to become a cultural norm. Ideologies and idealism inherently exaggerate and suppress evidence in order to support their perspectives. They essentially tell us that their way is the only right way to view the world. This erodes the practice and understanding of honesty and creates ongoing conflicts in all human relationships.

The precise view of what constitutes courage not only varies among cultures but among individuals. For instance, some define courage as lacking fear in a situation that would normally generate it. Others, in contrast, hold that courage requires one to have fear and then overcome it.

All this really teaches us it’s that everything is a matter of perspective and no two people's perspective is the same.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mr Important

Self obsession, it’s a strange thing but some people seem incapable of understanding that what they are reading does not relate to them and that things are used as examples, however this comment is for them, the world does go around without you and the sooner you realise that the sooner you will understand there are more important things than you, and that everyone has a place in this would and it doesn’t revolve around you.

So to you those self important self obsessed people I have a message, the world goes around without you, the sun rises without you the tide come and goes without you and we’ll do without you, in short we’ll do fine without you, so find a meaning to be here because it’s not about you

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cat love

Love is like a Cat, you can feed it house it and you can still find it dead in the street one night or run off to live with your neighbours, so keep an eye on your cat if you want to keep it.

Can a talk change your life

Sometimes you can know what you want and not get it, other times you can be a lucky SOB and get everything you want. Now before you get the wrong idea about I’m going to sit here and complain about how unfair life is, and I am, but just to put things straight from the start I’m the lucky SOB

I’m the kind of guy you put anywhere and I’ll end up with a cute girl and good job because I’m good? Because I’m lucky? No to both of those, the reason is because I talk to everyone, if you can talk to anyone from a city worker to a stripper and even a homeless person without them getting annoyed at you then you have the ability I do.

You see live isn’t all about who you know but what you can do with what you have. One man can start a revolution with nothing more than an idea, the same can be said for the power of speech, you can make someone hate you or love you by what you say, and how you say it.

And sometimes just sometimes by what you don’t say. Now life is unfair because among the many things in this word, is that fact that none of this is explained to any one at the start, you're left to work it out by yourself, now that great but most people have no idea how they do it even when they do, do it.

Also there are other simple things that are unexplained about just as people need to see happy faces, try this one as a social experiment, sit at a bar and by bar I mean near the bar tender with an unhappy look on your face and keep drinking the same drink for all night, bet you in an hour someone will come up to you and ask you why the long face and talk to you!!! Why because it’s in our nature to need those around us to be happy, maybe not fully but at least with a smile.

And if that wasn’t the case why do we all look so unhappy when we see a child cry? It’s not just because the kid is making too much nose.

You’ll have to forgive me I’ve wondered of my point so I’ll come back to it, social programming, people like you to like them and one way of showing that is talking to them and when they like you they help you more.

But they don’t teach you this...