Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Can a talk change your life

Sometimes you can know what you want and not get it, other times you can be a lucky SOB and get everything you want. Now before you get the wrong idea about I’m going to sit here and complain about how unfair life is, and I am, but just to put things straight from the start I’m the lucky SOB

I’m the kind of guy you put anywhere and I’ll end up with a cute girl and good job because I’m good? Because I’m lucky? No to both of those, the reason is because I talk to everyone, if you can talk to anyone from a city worker to a stripper and even a homeless person without them getting annoyed at you then you have the ability I do.

You see live isn’t all about who you know but what you can do with what you have. One man can start a revolution with nothing more than an idea, the same can be said for the power of speech, you can make someone hate you or love you by what you say, and how you say it.

And sometimes just sometimes by what you don’t say. Now life is unfair because among the many things in this word, is that fact that none of this is explained to any one at the start, you're left to work it out by yourself, now that great but most people have no idea how they do it even when they do, do it.

Also there are other simple things that are unexplained about just as people need to see happy faces, try this one as a social experiment, sit at a bar and by bar I mean near the bar tender with an unhappy look on your face and keep drinking the same drink for all night, bet you in an hour someone will come up to you and ask you why the long face and talk to you!!! Why because it’s in our nature to need those around us to be happy, maybe not fully but at least with a smile.

And if that wasn’t the case why do we all look so unhappy when we see a child cry? It’s not just because the kid is making too much nose.

You’ll have to forgive me I’ve wondered of my point so I’ll come back to it, social programming, people like you to like them and one way of showing that is talking to them and when they like you they help you more.

But they don’t teach you this...

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