Sunday, July 29, 2007

Do you believe

Do you believe? Do you believe that I believe and do you believe that you believe?

They say it’s not important what you believe only that you believe something? So is believing that they are out to get you enough?

I know I believe that you believe, but do you believe that I believe, no that’s not a question it’s a statement of this world, you see that many people are trying to value one another based on their belief system, this is a problem because no two people feel the same or believe the same.

So if I believe in one set of value and morals, does not follow you will believe in the same, so here lays a question? Is religion a way to try to standardise a set of morals for the masses ? Could be I guess, but like most things it lets a minority tell the majority what to feel and think.

You see in every system to date there is one simple flaw, that has never been solved, how can you have a decision, you see if a minority make a choice the majority might disagree with it but there is no means to stop that action from being taken, I may point to government of course that has been doing this since it was founded. I’m not saying that it is wrong because if we look back there was no other way when it was started but that was then is all I’m saying, now in the 21 century there has be a better way, after all if we can link people with phones and internet to the public then we can let them make the choice can’t we ?

In short yes we can but you’ll never hear this while the people at the top have a job, oh sure they will tell us how hard it is and how they would give it to someone else to do if they could but they just can’t find the right person bla bla bla.... but when push come they won’t give up power because power is like a drug once you’ve had the feeling you don’t want to stop you just keep looking for more.

So am I saying it’s time for a change... well guess I am but I by no means say that any one should have control what you need is a group maybe like a court with a defence and a prosecution to explain the good and bad of each choice to the public and let them decide what to do.... I’m sure everyone has enough common sense to make a choice that we can live with, if nothing else it means we will have to take responsibility for our own lives for ones as we will be for the first time in control of our own future.

Will we be able to make the right choice? Who know!!!! But we can try...

But this will never happen because people are sheep.... yes you heard me sheep, no one thinks for themselves, you buy a car because someone told you its good, you get a mobile because you read some where it was fashionable to have it but who makes up fashion? People that want to sell you something that’s who... you like to be told what to do... you get more that 10 people in one place and they will make someone the leader why because no one want to be in charge is case something goes wrong so they will let someone else take the fall “it wasn’t me I was just following him” sad but true and when you think about it, it’s how a child thinks, oh yes now we are getting to the root of the problem... scary but this world is based on rules of a child... yes that’s right a child, stop and think for a second about the world around you, its “do as I say not as I do” “It wasn’t me it was the devil” if you start to look closer you’ll see that the world we live in is not such a big powerful place, it’s nothing more than a playground and aren’t we getting just a little old for this!!!!! Well maybe not when you think that we still fight start wars and teach our kids not our error but our hate, then you see why we are still here, sadly the aliens haven’t come past to pick me up but if I could get off this rock and get away from the rest of you I would have, because when I think about it I really hate the idea of being a human if this is what we are...

But it not to late we can change if only we could see past out narrow sight of what is going on and begin too see that we can be so much better than we are... but who am I kidding you’re not even reading by this point your thinking about what your late for in your little world about yourself, and if you are still reading then I have a message for you dear reader think about this “if you where a mouse would you care about money and work” because one has to ask why we do it, after all we had life kids and sex before when we where cave men so why do we make our lives hard? And next time someone says I’m bla bla bla from whatever and that means I know what I’m talking about remember this, the guy that set it up could have been a idiot so what they just said was “I’m an idiot certified by an idiot” also remember this one other statement as I’ve found it useful of knocking someone of their high horse “I’ve never found it necessary to hide behind my education” or “So you define yourself by your job, so were you just as much of a waste of space before they employed you as well”

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