Thursday, December 13, 2007

Moving past yourself and have an open mind

What is wrong? What is right? These are questions that have no place because they are context related. What is right in your mind is not always right in others, and how do you express your point of view? Do you tell them it or do you point a gun in their face and tell them your right!!

Every one is entitled to have a belief and every one is entitled to follow that believe as long as it does not go against the laws of the land you are in.

So as long as you are not killing or robbing someone you can believe you are whoever you want to be, so I think I’ll call myself Jack Daniels, I maybe fated to die after kicking my safe but that’s my choice.

Now lets look at a better point of view, what we think of far way lands, are they full of strange people we weird ways or are they full of interesting people with new things to learn.

One of the best expressions is “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink” the same can be said for people, you can lead them to somewhere but you can’t make them have an open mind. You can see this in tourists around the world the travel 1000 or more miles and order a pizza? They could have had that at home why travel a 1000 miles… these people are every where and yet these are the ones that you will take your holiday advice from because they where there, that’s like saying I was in the room when the doctor did the operation so I think I can do triple heart by past surgery too now.

Here is the deal people if you want to understand what a place is like, walk down the dark streets, talk to the guy sweeping the street, take a bus not a taxi travel to your holiday by train not airplane… travel in no more than two people and talk to every one even if they are old and dirty, a place is its people not the tourists resort.

But this is only one kind of open mind….
I will make this last bit short because if you’ve taken the time to read this far you will ether contact me or want the end soon, so to cover the last point, do not be to quick to tell people they are wrong but do not give up your beliefs ether, talk about them openly and what the impact of yours and their beliefs mean for you and others and maybe just maybe we can work out some peaceful answers.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I’m not what I once was and not yet what I will be

We all struggle to understand ourselves, it is much easier to look outward and understanding others sometimes than it is to look inward and understanding yourself.

Still water runs deep was how I was once described.
In me runs great emotion even when I’m not showing it that is what it means.

I have not lived my life as a poor man but I have lived a day as one, from this you learn that to be poor is to have understanding of what you need, and what you desire.

Understanding comes from seeing things from more than one point of view you must look down and up at the same time to understand what you are truly doing.

The power to lose time and make yourself and other move to another point in time is the power to put others at rest or at peace so that time may travel without being noticed.