Thursday, April 17, 2008

Answer is

I like to start the day with a mellow thought. Today's one is questions, we all have them and we all feel the need to ask them... but if you know the answer why ask ?

Well the answer is simple no mater how many time you hear some answers you just want to hear it again, these example like when someone tells you "your great" or "your beautiful" these are things we almost never get bored of hearing.
However isn't it also great sometime that you want to ask the really important questions and the answer you already know, and its the answer you wanted this makes you feel good to know that your right.

So here is my thought for the day... Ask questions you know the answers too and you'll get the answer you want.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Power of thought

Positive thought can change the shape of ice crystals what can it do to the world over all if we are all more positive for just one day, remember that ice might not be the only thing you can change with just a nice thought, it has been proven we meet some of our best friends when one of you was in a positive mood.

More than half of couples meet when one or more of them was in a good mood and generally we are all much happier in the environment when others around us are happy too.

So next time you are walking out the door to face the day hold a happy thought and you never know what good might happen to you that day.

Happy day don't worry

A day any day is a blessing if you are fit and well. however a far better blessing is to be happy.

It has always been better to be happy then to be rich, for being happy is the best kind of richness you can ever have. With this in mind I hope that you set out today to spread your inner peace to those around you and help make the world a more present place to live.

And remember do not worry in this world for worrying is as affective as trying to put out a fire with petrol on a hot summers day, simply react and leave the worrying for someone with nothing better to do.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

No new ideas

What if there are no new ideas in the world, and all ideas come from a pool of already defined thoughts.

Sounds very strange doesn’t it, however it’s not as unlikely as it sounds, Leonardo da Vinci's between the 14th and 15th century had many ideas that would not be realized for another four century’s

Many inverters also fine themselves up against others sometime as far way as the other side of the global inventing a nearly identical device at the same time, this can’t be just chance can it?

If you take into account that many people have ideas that they never act on them so how many have really got the idea to develop the next big thing in our century.

Maybe everything we ever will have and ever can have has already been thought of and we are just placing our hands in to the hat of idea and pulling one out.

Can’t follow the rules of faith

Street corners, Knocking on the door and even at the bus stops they pester us!!! New age or old they bombard us with their views.

Why is it that everyone seems so instant that their way is the right way? I am of course talking about preachers, no matter where you go on the planet they are there waiting to catch you, now if you read carefully you will find some common elements in all faiths and one of them is to respect other faiths, something that they don’t seem to be able to do as the moment I tell them I’m an atheist they treat me in one of two ways you ether a heathen or must be converted right way but personally I’ve found that being agnostic has never hurt anyone.

In fact in history there are only two groups that have never started a war atheists and Buddhists so personally I’m happy to say my belief never hurt anyone, and I don’t spend my spare time converting others.

So just for once can they please follow their own guide lines and not tell us how great their faith is and just let us be.

Happiness and money

Happiness is defined by misery
To know what true happiness is you have to first have to have been unhappy, one cannot exist without the other as its needed to define it.

Maybe this is why the biggest smile can be found on those that have had awful times before as they know how bad it could be so everything for them is better.

Most of us don’t know what it’s like to live in a life of worry knowing that you’re live can be changed in a second, on the contrast we have those that just complain we are not happy with our cars oh I don’t have a 72in TV and lots of money and life’s not the best… do you really need to have the best of everything to make you happy?

Well after asking many joyful people the answer is no all you need to be happy is love and hope, belief in a future with your loved ones. Sorry but all the things like TV’s Cars clothes even new houses are just quick fixes like eating chocolate makes you feel better for a while and it’s not long before you’re looking for the next quick fix.

If you want to really be happy get some good friends, a man or woman that loves you the way you want to be loved.

You’ll find that the time you spend watching TV is better spent talking to people you like and love, taking public transport lets you see, meet and help more people.
And lastly take up mediation if you can, see the world thought blissful eyes.