Sunday, April 06, 2008

Can’t follow the rules of faith

Street corners, Knocking on the door and even at the bus stops they pester us!!! New age or old they bombard us with their views.

Why is it that everyone seems so instant that their way is the right way? I am of course talking about preachers, no matter where you go on the planet they are there waiting to catch you, now if you read carefully you will find some common elements in all faiths and one of them is to respect other faiths, something that they don’t seem to be able to do as the moment I tell them I’m an atheist they treat me in one of two ways you ether a heathen or must be converted right way but personally I’ve found that being agnostic has never hurt anyone.

In fact in history there are only two groups that have never started a war atheists and Buddhists so personally I’m happy to say my belief never hurt anyone, and I don’t spend my spare time converting others.

So just for once can they please follow their own guide lines and not tell us how great their faith is and just let us be.

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