Sunday, November 30, 2008

Healthy living

It seems that something always dies in order for us to live, here is an example does a living plant have any less rights then a living animal, it feels pain and it’s a living so with this in mind is being a vegetarian really any better than being a carnivore.

Answer no, however I’m not going to get into the deep questions about taking a life to continue ours, instead I’d like to talk about the balance between meat and vegetables in the human diet.
After spending sometime looking into the life style around the world I see a common paten of health and life length, natural food meaning home cooked without artificial flavoring or sweeteners is healthier.

Fat is not bad?
Believe it or not your body can handle natural fatty foods without a problem it’s the pure sugar you find in drinks and sweets that it can’t. However the full fat milk and fat on fresh lamb or pork is not bad for you.

It’s important not too over do any one thing as everything can be bad for you in excise, the best balance of food is 30% meat to 70% vegetables this means that every meet meal should have vegetables with it and that some days you have meals that don’t have meat at all.

Are pancakes unhealthy no they are not, the things you place on them such as maple syrup and ice cream and other high sugar enriched food.
Salads are not bad for you but after you put all the toppings on them they are just as bad because the level of flavorings and sugar in that source is bad, not all are and most of the home made ones are in fact very good.

what should eat?
Answer anything you like but if you want to live long and healthy think of making the meal yourself and not just buying it, hell going to a good restaurant and not a fast food store is better than nothing, yes that’s right just changing where you eat could help you.
And lastly when to eat… don’t eat late eating before bed is the quickest way to put some extra kilos on as your body is not using it right away it will convert it to fat, another good tip have a short walk or tidy the house after eating as this will help to metabolize the food, obviously don’t overdo it.

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