Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've worked a long time in Information Technology and in that area of the world security means allot but I find myself asking today is there anywhere security doesn't mean allot?

As people, we are always looking for job security to know that tomorrow if we go to work the job will be there.

We look for emotional security to know that the people we love also love us and will always be there, and of course physical security, that no one is going to harm us.

So as you see we really aren't very complex when you look at it, there are only a few things we want, so why is it so hard to get them?

The simplest answer comes in the form of emotions, hate, fear, envy, jealousy, spite, selfishness, greed.
These more negative emotions also drive people to do things that will result in making someone else lose their security.

I find it amazing that we talk about right and ethics yet most people no more understand them than they do the physics.
Both are simple subject if you only stop to think about them, but sadly we never give ourselves the time to think.

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