Saturday, March 07, 2009

Why be normal when you can be better

I hear it allot that people say to one another that's not normal or your not normal.

Normality is made up by the masses so for me to be normal I'd have to be nothing special about me in any way so that I fit into this normal group, frankly this is something I just can't do because this would mean closing my eyes to the world around me.

Almost not a week goes by without me being called not normal, this is something I've come to accept and even come to like it as I like to stand out so much so that I've started pinning notes to my office space "why be normal when you can be better"

Being normal is to be nothing special, and I don't know one person that doesn't want to be special in some way.

So next time you feel yourself about to say "your not normal" say something like "wish I could be as cool as you" and see the response ;-) I promise it will be better.

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