Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What do you want from life?

For most people I won't say all because no two people are the same, but for most people life is made up thing to be done.

We all goto school, we all get a job, and then we somewhere along the way try to find someone to share our life with.

Sounds simple, but is that really what we want?... Ok here is the way I see it.

We don't want to spend all our time in school, frankly after you've learned to count and read there isn't much point at being at school since you can now learn by yourself you are now a black belt. (black belt in martial arts means you've reached a level where you can teach yourself)
So isn't staying there another what lets say 12 years or so just a wast of time? anything you want to learn you can get from books or internet so be free and learn without guidance.

However back to the point I was trying to make... we want a family to love and be loved by, a place to call our own this is what 90% of us want and need to be happy.
So why do we spend our lives living in places that are nothing like this with people we don't like... because of money I here you say... but is it because we need the money or is it because we are told we need the money... how much does it cost to grow food not buy it?

Let me put it another way... 168,000 years ago... seems like yesterday to me.
man and woman lived together without money, just them and whatever they picked or killed to eat, made their homes where they liked and got up when they liked, so why did we make our lives more complicated?

It seems we can't see the wood for the trees.

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