Monday, December 21, 2009

God was pro choice why isn't the church

What I am about to say is bound to upset some people but I’m going to ask the question anyway, because it’s one that I personally believe to be another oxymoron as god give you free will and the church tells you not to use it (I’d like to point out I have no problem with God just peoples interpretation of god’s word)

So let’s get down to it shall we, God made man in his own imagine and gave us free will or so the story goes, so equally that means that woman are also made in gods imagine and to her god gave form of body and free will to do with is as she choices.

So why do we have problems when she is using her God-given right to chose to do what she thinks is right, the argument that is used is that you are taking the life of another, however, being a parent is also a choice and one that must be made, but what it really comes down to when it’s all is said and done.
what does the woman want and god was very clear on this… you have free will so it’s her right to do what she wants with her body good bad or indifferent, and the sooner men understand this the better woman will get along with them.

OK let’s look at this another way I take a life every time I eat, even if I’m eating vegetables, they were alive, if I clap my hands I kill billions of life forms what makes a human special?
Nothing sorry but the answer is we are not special… we just haven’t learned to cope with it, unlike every other life form, a fish doesn’t say I’m special because I’m a fish so why do we think that god would see us as better that the rat’s the birds or the bee’s or one of the thousands of life forms we’ve already wiped out.

Summary let people live in peace and try to be respectful of people’s rights and views like it says in the book, and don't kill the birds and bee's.

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