Friday, December 31, 2010

Winter Stories - Fear

Fear nothing, do I, - he would cry, "he had not feared of any beat or man", they used to say.

Now he himself will say, "I fear", not animal or man brought about this feeling but something with such simple beginning, the first time he felt his heart raced his pulse.

It was the day he felt her say good day.

Now he nearly terrified to contemplate the consequences of not having her about.

Winter Stories - Pain

Winter pain filled his bones as night grow cold.

Sitting by the fire did not warm him as it once had, as an icy thought had brought a frost about his now cold heart.

He had lost is the way and straight away had begun to decay the moment he said get away, in an anger he had been and throw away what needed to stay.

Now regretful he will stay.

Winter Stories - Never Say Goodbye

He said in a moment his love would never die, he promised he'd never say goodbye.

Little did he know he had spoken such words of truth.

For in the time to follow when he was to forget he could not get his peaceful forget, he found the truth of words once said in jest had passed the this simple test, so now he lays in fear that his life will remain a hollow frame like a window frame with no pain, feeling empty.

short new years stories

As midnight catches her hair, she looks so fair as if an angel was standing there.

Her eye so clear as he holds her hips, their lips begin to pout.

As the 12-hour chimes, their feelings do climb.

Tender embrace as they kiss, as their hearts start to race.

Could be the winter air why she is trembling there?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Ten Commandments

Everyone should believe in something I know I do… however I’m of the belief that going to church doesn't make you a good person any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

so here is my take on the Ten Commandments

1) You shall have no other gods before me – there are others?

1a) You shall not make for yourself an idol – so I should abandon the cross because you didn’t tell me to wear it?

2) Do not take the name of the Lord in vain – too late use it at least twice today already

3) Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy – can I pray from my bed then I really haven’t worked on the sabbath

4) Honour your father and mother – must write birthdays into calendar this year!

5) You shall not kill/murder – not broken this one yet but been close a few times.

6) You shall not commit adultery – I’d have to be married first

7) You shall not steal – I think it depends on if you’re starving then I ok in my book

8) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor – so tell the truth is what your say

9) You shall not covet your neighbour's wife – ok I agree with this one

10) You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour – so I shouldn’t be jealous of his new sports car!! Damn it…

BTW covet means to desire or want to possess.

And did anyone else notice that god left of the list anything about girlfriends or sex before marriage but then again maybe he had to after all who married Adm and Eve?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I’m not lucky!!!

When someone tell me I’m lucky because I have something they don’t I reply that I’m not lucky because to be luck and have something implies that I have something that I do not deserve.

I would rather believe that I have something I do deserve even if what I did to deserve it was in another life.

So next time you hear the words you’re lucky tell them that you’re not and you are simply getting what was meant for you, whether that be the last slice of cheese cake or some super hot girlfriend and/or other seemingly unobtainable thing.