Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Serious game

Its strange to me how we all ways seem to end up trying to create rules for things, the most recent was for computer games designers, I recently read how not enough of them have degrees in physics.

But let’s think about this for a moment, what do they need it for they are trying to portray fantasy not reality so who cares if in their virtual world doesn’t resemble the real one that’s why it’s call fantasy, after all you don’t turn to a fantasy book writer and say I’m sorry you can write about dragons because it doesn’t resemble reality.

I’m sure the next thing we’ll hear is we don’t know enough about the history of computer games and they will start teaching that as well.

I stop to ask the question where is the fun gone, I think it is no wonder people in our world are becoming stressed and unhappy when you need a education to do what we used to drop out and have fun to do, I think everything is being taken too seriously and the fun is being lost.

It wasn’t that long ago they were telling us computer games are a waste of our time yet now they are telling us how to do it?

It’s amazing how you need qualifications in everything except in the once place, and those are the people that run things. Maybe they should play civilization for awhile before taking jobs in government.

I can see if these rule for everything are not stopped won’t be long before you need a sports history lesson and theory before you can go for a run, now this might seem extreme but think about how many thing now need some paper qualification.

And for those of you who are employers I ask you do these degrees help or are you training new staff just as much as before only now they think they know better because they have a piece of paper telling them they know it already.

Bring bad the apprenticeships I say where you told someone that had the willingness to learn a skill and show them how it’s done. After all even Jesus led by example.
Now I’ve had my say have a good day.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Time enough

We often say not enough time, no time now, sometime later, but in the real world the reality is that time isn't limited and there for can't run out.

So what we really mean is that we just don't want to spend time with you now or we are busy in some other way.

Why are we not more honest and say things like let me finish this and I'll be able to talk to you.

But by far the most worrying is who we often say these things to, its almost always family and loved ones, the very people that we should spend the most time with.

So I ask you to think about this and take a moment to be with your family today.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Is education limiting us

Let us consider for a moment the great inventors and figures in history; for instance Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, William Shakespeare to name but a few. All of them had considerably less education than the average student today yet they all left great marks in history with their works. (Edison boasted a whole three months of education)

The current population is more than three times larger than it was when these men where alive but we are not progressing at more than three times the level they where. In fact we are not even keeping up with the inventions of their times.

I offer you this as a possibility, being told every thing as a cold hard fact and that there is only the one answer stops people from thinking. Students should be asked to 'imagine' that there is another answer/point of view and to explore that possibility however remote or daft. This is both a more rewarding and expansive way of teaching and gets students into the habit of questioning everything and, horror of horrors, looking at history and facts from a different perspective. This can only be to the good. Only enquiring minds invent.

By limiting the imagination of the growing youth of today we have reduced our speed of invention. Bring back 'day dreaming' and mediation, guided imagery and story telling. These promote free thought. Presenting the world as a place of scientific fact with all knowledge substantiated is a dry and meaningless pursuit. Set free the imagination and let their spirits sore.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Science fiction vs. science fact

There are two things I'd like to bring to the table, the chicken and egg of science, and the view of science.

The chicken and egg of science is just like the old question, which one came first? Sadly I'm not going to answer that; but the same problem exists in science where science-fiction becomes science fact over time so who is in the driving seat? Well lots of science-fiction becomes science fact when authors who use their imagination and take science a few steps further along the path of discovery thereby provoking scientists to develop the technology to turn fiction into fact. Without the underlying theory of science the authors would not have, in most cases, have thought of their ideas in the first place.This is why I call it the chicken and egg of science.

I was going to call the next part the facts of science but it became the views of science for a reason.

You see science facts are really just points of view, a 'working hypothesis' that a scientist fits into the current facts, but as we explorer the facts they are rewritten. So, to call it a science fact is really a fallacy; it is more accurate to call it a view point from which to develop a strand of enquiry in the laboratory. New knowledge brings new facts. Without knowing everything in the universe we can never know that all the facts. Even Einstein's work is now under question. He also stated that you have to first imagine then go about proving or disproving any new theory.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


I have observed over the past few year more people around me say that they are unhappy with their life, and when I ask them what do you need to make you happy they don't know.

Maybe what is making people so unhappy is not knowing what makes you happy any more, there are two ways that I can look at this first is that you have forgotten what you want from life.

For most of us a simple life with a family and peaceful existence is all we really desire and everything else just serves to get in the way of that.

The other way to look at it is the people are becoming lost because the world we live in tells you the exact opposite to what you need. The world tells you "you must have good education so that you can have good job" this fly's in the face of facts that most self made millionaires had little or no education and the same goes for historical figures.

Second point why do we need all this money ? other than to feed out selves i can't find one reason to work, and to be honest maybe the work i should be doing is in my back garden growing that well needed food.