Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Serious game

Its strange to me how we all ways seem to end up trying to create rules for things, the most recent was for computer games designers, I recently read how not enough of them have degrees in physics.

But let’s think about this for a moment, what do they need it for they are trying to portray fantasy not reality so who cares if in their virtual world doesn’t resemble the real one that’s why it’s call fantasy, after all you don’t turn to a fantasy book writer and say I’m sorry you can write about dragons because it doesn’t resemble reality.

I’m sure the next thing we’ll hear is we don’t know enough about the history of computer games and they will start teaching that as well.

I stop to ask the question where is the fun gone, I think it is no wonder people in our world are becoming stressed and unhappy when you need a education to do what we used to drop out and have fun to do, I think everything is being taken too seriously and the fun is being lost.

It wasn’t that long ago they were telling us computer games are a waste of our time yet now they are telling us how to do it?

It’s amazing how you need qualifications in everything except in the once place, and those are the people that run things. Maybe they should play civilization for awhile before taking jobs in government.

I can see if these rule for everything are not stopped won’t be long before you need a sports history lesson and theory before you can go for a run, now this might seem extreme but think about how many thing now need some paper qualification.

And for those of you who are employers I ask you do these degrees help or are you training new staff just as much as before only now they think they know better because they have a piece of paper telling them they know it already.

Bring bad the apprenticeships I say where you told someone that had the willingness to learn a skill and show them how it’s done. After all even Jesus led by example.
Now I’ve had my say have a good day.

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