Tuesday, June 03, 2008


I have observed over the past few year more people around me say that they are unhappy with their life, and when I ask them what do you need to make you happy they don't know.

Maybe what is making people so unhappy is not knowing what makes you happy any more, there are two ways that I can look at this first is that you have forgotten what you want from life.

For most of us a simple life with a family and peaceful existence is all we really desire and everything else just serves to get in the way of that.

The other way to look at it is the people are becoming lost because the world we live in tells you the exact opposite to what you need. The world tells you "you must have good education so that you can have good job" this fly's in the face of facts that most self made millionaires had little or no education and the same goes for historical figures.

Second point why do we need all this money ? other than to feed out selves i can't find one reason to work, and to be honest maybe the work i should be doing is in my back garden growing that well needed food.

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