Thursday, December 13, 2007

Moving past yourself and have an open mind

What is wrong? What is right? These are questions that have no place because they are context related. What is right in your mind is not always right in others, and how do you express your point of view? Do you tell them it or do you point a gun in their face and tell them your right!!

Every one is entitled to have a belief and every one is entitled to follow that believe as long as it does not go against the laws of the land you are in.

So as long as you are not killing or robbing someone you can believe you are whoever you want to be, so I think I’ll call myself Jack Daniels, I maybe fated to die after kicking my safe but that’s my choice.

Now lets look at a better point of view, what we think of far way lands, are they full of strange people we weird ways or are they full of interesting people with new things to learn.

One of the best expressions is “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink” the same can be said for people, you can lead them to somewhere but you can’t make them have an open mind. You can see this in tourists around the world the travel 1000 or more miles and order a pizza? They could have had that at home why travel a 1000 miles… these people are every where and yet these are the ones that you will take your holiday advice from because they where there, that’s like saying I was in the room when the doctor did the operation so I think I can do triple heart by past surgery too now.

Here is the deal people if you want to understand what a place is like, walk down the dark streets, talk to the guy sweeping the street, take a bus not a taxi travel to your holiday by train not airplane… travel in no more than two people and talk to every one even if they are old and dirty, a place is its people not the tourists resort.

But this is only one kind of open mind….
I will make this last bit short because if you’ve taken the time to read this far you will ether contact me or want the end soon, so to cover the last point, do not be to quick to tell people they are wrong but do not give up your beliefs ether, talk about them openly and what the impact of yours and their beliefs mean for you and others and maybe just maybe we can work out some peaceful answers.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I’m not what I once was and not yet what I will be

We all struggle to understand ourselves, it is much easier to look outward and understanding others sometimes than it is to look inward and understanding yourself.

Still water runs deep was how I was once described.
In me runs great emotion even when I’m not showing it that is what it means.

I have not lived my life as a poor man but I have lived a day as one, from this you learn that to be poor is to have understanding of what you need, and what you desire.

Understanding comes from seeing things from more than one point of view you must look down and up at the same time to understand what you are truly doing.

The power to lose time and make yourself and other move to another point in time is the power to put others at rest or at peace so that time may travel without being noticed.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

There was mean to be someone

Wasn't there meant to be someone for us?
Someone to love and hold us?

These are common questions and the short answer is yes... the hard answer is there is such a person but the really hard problem is they might not be anywhere near you...

you see the world is a big place and finding that perfect person for you is just not easy, when it was just Adam and Eve, lets face it that was easy how many other people could you pick from? but now there are many and we often think we are in love or are in love with the wrong person...

but when you find that person that right for you... you know it because when you look back you think how bad the others where for you, how it just didn't fit like it does now... and how you just stopped thinking of anyone else

I can't tell you what love is... no one can but when you feel it you'll know it.

Monday, August 27, 2007

What is wisdom?

Wisdom, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defined as the
a: Accumulated philosophic or scientific learning-knowledge
b: Ability to discern inner qualities and relationships-insight
c: Good sense-judgment
d: Generally accepted belief Robert Darnton.
e: A wise attitude, belief, or course of action.
f: The teachings of the ancient wise men.

Ever find yourself in a WTF moment? Well, I do a lot just lately, sometimes it's a mix of people coming out with the craziest things and other times it's just a pure accident that you in counter something that can be seen or betrayed as wise.
“Example of this is the most profound words of wisdom coming from the most unexpected place, some of the best advice I’ve heard come from a seventeen-year-old, wisdom can some from a level of understanding or from a perspective that comes about from looking at the world in a different light to those around you.”

Wisdom on aspects; (most people) have a moment when their wisdom comes to great meaning and profound realisation, this moment when their view on life is most relevant.
“Sadly this happens all too few for most of us, leaving us with nothing more than a confused look on our face”

We can walk the same path but you can not walk in my steps because our feet are not the same.
“No, I’ve not gone mad! But it is a true saying of life, even with the same background and teachings students will not be the same, so your personal wisdom will be unique to you”

So dear reader have you understood that wisdom is like everything else and is a matter of perspective?
“Don’t, believe me, ok! Another example then, one man saves money and he is seen as wise another man spends money he is not seen as wise, then one day thugs come and take the first man's money and kill him, then later they come to take the second man's money and kill him. The second man might not have money but he has happy memories before he died knowing he enjoyed life… so who is wise?”

Wisdom can not be learned it come from within and the best way to find it is to think for a while, this can be at the top of a mountain or in your living room, the location is not important.
“Here are some tips for better understanding;
a: Think of someone you know and try to imagine their view on life.
b: Goto a marketplace or square and just watch people interact.
c: Change role for a day, if you can do something you’ve never done and you thought you’d never do it might be to help out in a soup kitchen or unblock drains or even help at a school. But you must do these things with an open mind, forget what you know and create a new view, even if it’s just for the day”

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Do you believe

Do you believe? Do you believe that I believe and do you believe that you believe?

They say it’s not important what you believe only that you believe something? So is believing that they are out to get you enough?

I know I believe that you believe, but do you believe that I believe, no that’s not a question it’s a statement of this world, you see that many people are trying to value one another based on their belief system, this is a problem because no two people feel the same or believe the same.

So if I believe in one set of value and morals, does not follow you will believe in the same, so here lays a question? Is religion a way to try to standardise a set of morals for the masses ? Could be I guess, but like most things it lets a minority tell the majority what to feel and think.

You see in every system to date there is one simple flaw, that has never been solved, how can you have a decision, you see if a minority make a choice the majority might disagree with it but there is no means to stop that action from being taken, I may point to government of course that has been doing this since it was founded. I’m not saying that it is wrong because if we look back there was no other way when it was started but that was then is all I’m saying, now in the 21 century there has be a better way, after all if we can link people with phones and internet to the public then we can let them make the choice can’t we ?

In short yes we can but you’ll never hear this while the people at the top have a job, oh sure they will tell us how hard it is and how they would give it to someone else to do if they could but they just can’t find the right person bla bla bla.... but when push come they won’t give up power because power is like a drug once you’ve had the feeling you don’t want to stop you just keep looking for more.

So am I saying it’s time for a change... well guess I am but I by no means say that any one should have control what you need is a group maybe like a court with a defence and a prosecution to explain the good and bad of each choice to the public and let them decide what to do.... I’m sure everyone has enough common sense to make a choice that we can live with, if nothing else it means we will have to take responsibility for our own lives for ones as we will be for the first time in control of our own future.

Will we be able to make the right choice? Who know!!!! But we can try...

But this will never happen because people are sheep.... yes you heard me sheep, no one thinks for themselves, you buy a car because someone told you its good, you get a mobile because you read some where it was fashionable to have it but who makes up fashion? People that want to sell you something that’s who... you like to be told what to do... you get more that 10 people in one place and they will make someone the leader why because no one want to be in charge is case something goes wrong so they will let someone else take the fall “it wasn’t me I was just following him” sad but true and when you think about it, it’s how a child thinks, oh yes now we are getting to the root of the problem... scary but this world is based on rules of a child... yes that’s right a child, stop and think for a second about the world around you, its “do as I say not as I do” “It wasn’t me it was the devil” if you start to look closer you’ll see that the world we live in is not such a big powerful place, it’s nothing more than a playground and aren’t we getting just a little old for this!!!!! Well maybe not when you think that we still fight start wars and teach our kids not our error but our hate, then you see why we are still here, sadly the aliens haven’t come past to pick me up but if I could get off this rock and get away from the rest of you I would have, because when I think about it I really hate the idea of being a human if this is what we are...

But it not to late we can change if only we could see past out narrow sight of what is going on and begin too see that we can be so much better than we are... but who am I kidding you’re not even reading by this point your thinking about what your late for in your little world about yourself, and if you are still reading then I have a message for you dear reader think about this “if you where a mouse would you care about money and work” because one has to ask why we do it, after all we had life kids and sex before when we where cave men so why do we make our lives hard? And next time someone says I’m bla bla bla from whatever and that means I know what I’m talking about remember this, the guy that set it up could have been a idiot so what they just said was “I’m an idiot certified by an idiot” also remember this one other statement as I’ve found it useful of knocking someone of their high horse “I’ve never found it necessary to hide behind my education” or “So you define yourself by your job, so were you just as much of a waste of space before they employed you as well”

Thursday, June 28, 2007

What is a lie?

A lie is when you know that what you’ve said is wrong, an example you know that you cannot lift 200kg but you say you can.

But if you say “I’ll be there in the morning” and you’re not because something happens between now and then, are you lying?

Then you have plausible deniability where you lie but not knowing that you are lying because you do not know that facts are different to what you have stated is that a lie?

Is it a lie when you say I’ll leave the office in 5 minutes and then write for another 15 before you look at the clock again, what is the defining truth in it, its knowing that you are going to do it, that answer if your intentions are to do it and you don’t, that’s not a lie that just not being able to.


Is there such a thing?

The only absolutes we know of are death and taxes but if you smart both of these can be cheated too or so they say.

True is not an absolute because there are points of view, you can ask enough people you will never be the same so it not 100% same answer, and is truth defined by the majority of people? Well no because if that was the case the world would be flat, in fact some people still believe that it is.

Is life an absolute, no because if it was then we’d have no choice and everything is just part of a design so that’s not absolute either?

Is science and absolute, sadly no that’s why we have sayings like Friday night special and gremlins.

So absolute is just another perspective made up to try and create rules in a world that hasn’t any fixed ones.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


A profanity will have an original meaning (which may change across time and language) which in itself may give some cause for offence. Additionally, many profanities will have applied meanings of their own, usually associated with their context and which therefore may vary significantly depending upon the intended purpose of the word in the sentence. For example; fuck, a profanity in English, has come to be a verb for the sexual act and may be used literally in this sense - "I fucked that bitch", but also in the context of an exclamation, "Fuck, he's clever!", as part of a derogatory remark - "Fuck off!", to refer to acts of violence - "I'll fuck you up!" or to simply add weight to a sentence - "This is fucking interesting!". The degree to which a profanity is offensive is a highly subjective matter as it relies upon how the use of the word affects an individual or group of individuals. Some will consider the original meaning of a word (for example, the sexual act) as being offensive or as a subject not fit for polite conversation (sexual acts, sexual references or reference to bodily parts, or religiously sensitive subjects) whilst others will have no objection to these subject matters and therefore words used to describe them.

Some will feel that certain words, having an established social taboo associated with them, are simply offensive by themselves, regardless of any context in which they are used; others will find profanities offensive mainly when used in a way deliberately intended to offend or insult, but less offensive in other contexts, such as a neutral exclamation.

Furthermore, some people may be in the habit of using highly insulting language (which may include profanity) for style or comedy purpose, especially amongst friends or familiar company where the intention is either not to insult or is to apply only a very mild insult. Thus, otherwise highly offensive insults can be used as terms of endearment - "How's it going, motherfucker?"
Finally, profanities may cause offence, regardless of context, if they have some religious meaning which may cause their use to offend those who follow a particular religion. The original meaning of the term was restricted to blasphemy, sacrilege or saying the Abrahamic god's name (or an identifier such as "Lord" or "God") in vain. Profanity in this context could be represented as a secular indifference to religion or religious figures, while blasphemy was a direct attack on them, often interpreted as such, even when the intent was not to do so.
As the concept of a profanity has been extended to include expressions with scatological, sexist, derogatory, racist, or sexual interpretations, the broader concept of 'socially unacceptable' language has emerged, with religious meaning playing a varying role, and the more vague and inclusive interpretation blurring the distinction between categories of offensiveness.

This modern concept of profanity has evolved differently throughout different cultures and languages. For example, many profanities in Canadian French are a corruption of religious terminology (the sacres), while many English obscenities tend to reference sexuality. A term which functions as a profanity in one language may often lack any profane quality when translated into another language.

Truth is a three side blade

Loyalty, Plato originally said that only a man who is just can be loyal, and that loyalty is a condition of genuine philosophy. The philosopher Josiah Royce said it was the supreme moral good, and that one's devotion to an object mattered more than the merits of the object itself. Loyalty is something we all have, but the question remains to what.

taught: “Real honesty is being honest about what your possibilities are, what your potentials are. That's where true honesty lies. It stretches us. It’s not simply admitting where we are - that’s a beginning step, it’s not the end step. So be honest about where you are but also be honest about what your possibilities are. That keeps the challenge of the path always before us.

Socrates had much to say about truth, honesty and morality, and explained that if people really understood that their behaviour was wrong — then they simply wouldn't choose it. Furthermore, the most dishonest someone is, the less likely they are to understand honesty and characterise their behaviour as wrong. Unfortunately, honesty and morality have been marginalised to specific lists of behaviours that change over time(like fashion). The understanding that honesty requires an unbiased approach to the truth and to evidence gathering at all times collides with ideologies of all types. This would explain why honesty, although talked about a lot-- has failed to become a cultural norm. Ideologies and idealism inherently exaggerate and suppress evidence in order to support their perspectives. They essentially tell us that their way is the only right way to view the world. This erodes the practice and understanding of honesty and creates ongoing conflicts in all human relationships.

The precise view of what constitutes courage not only varies among cultures but among individuals. For instance, some define courage as lacking fear in a situation that would normally generate it. Others, in contrast, hold that courage requires one to have fear and then overcome it.

All this really teaches us it’s that everything is a matter of perspective and no two people's perspective is the same.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mr Important

Self obsession, it’s a strange thing but some people seem incapable of understanding that what they are reading does not relate to them and that things are used as examples, however this comment is for them, the world does go around without you and the sooner you realise that the sooner you will understand there are more important things than you, and that everyone has a place in this would and it doesn’t revolve around you.

So to you those self important self obsessed people I have a message, the world goes around without you, the sun rises without you the tide come and goes without you and we’ll do without you, in short we’ll do fine without you, so find a meaning to be here because it’s not about you

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cat love

Love is like a Cat, you can feed it house it and you can still find it dead in the street one night or run off to live with your neighbours, so keep an eye on your cat if you want to keep it.

Can a talk change your life

Sometimes you can know what you want and not get it, other times you can be a lucky SOB and get everything you want. Now before you get the wrong idea about I’m going to sit here and complain about how unfair life is, and I am, but just to put things straight from the start I’m the lucky SOB

I’m the kind of guy you put anywhere and I’ll end up with a cute girl and good job because I’m good? Because I’m lucky? No to both of those, the reason is because I talk to everyone, if you can talk to anyone from a city worker to a stripper and even a homeless person without them getting annoyed at you then you have the ability I do.

You see live isn’t all about who you know but what you can do with what you have. One man can start a revolution with nothing more than an idea, the same can be said for the power of speech, you can make someone hate you or love you by what you say, and how you say it.

And sometimes just sometimes by what you don’t say. Now life is unfair because among the many things in this word, is that fact that none of this is explained to any one at the start, you're left to work it out by yourself, now that great but most people have no idea how they do it even when they do, do it.

Also there are other simple things that are unexplained about just as people need to see happy faces, try this one as a social experiment, sit at a bar and by bar I mean near the bar tender with an unhappy look on your face and keep drinking the same drink for all night, bet you in an hour someone will come up to you and ask you why the long face and talk to you!!! Why because it’s in our nature to need those around us to be happy, maybe not fully but at least with a smile.

And if that wasn’t the case why do we all look so unhappy when we see a child cry? It’s not just because the kid is making too much nose.

You’ll have to forgive me I’ve wondered of my point so I’ll come back to it, social programming, people like you to like them and one way of showing that is talking to them and when they like you they help you more.

But they don’t teach you this...

Monday, May 28, 2007


see life is like going to the shop you know from the moment get there you are leaving you just don't know when, and sometimes you see someone at the shop and you will shop with them

Monday, April 02, 2007

Manage or Manager

As a manager it's is your job to solve problems, however, most managers seem to solve problems by never saying there is one, so instead of things getting better things are getting worse, this can be seen in all the large companies, manager seems to get rewarded for not finding problems, when instead they could be rewarded for solving them.

There are two schools of thought and the first is if it’s not broken don’t fix it.
And the other one is if it's running it could be running smoother.
Now the reality is that the second is how things should be doing, this seems like allot of work but let’s look at it another way you spend an hour a day with the same problem but your too lazy to fix it forever so you spend the same hour every day in three-week you have spent the same amount of time as if you’d fix it on day one and now you’ve lost three weeks of putting your feet up.
This is a little motto I call “Taking Time to Have Time”
The basic rule to this work hard short term and relax long term, if nothing else it means you should never have to deal with the same problem twice.
Maybe being a manager is about managing the problem or maybe it’s about solving them you decide.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Sins of Our Fathers

Before we beginning let me ask you two questions

1) Is it right for us to be judged for something we did not personally commit?
2) If I do something wrong today is it up to my son to pay for that?

most people would say no in response to these questions so why are they not viewed this way when we talk about history some examples are the Black slave trade, Germany in the second world war.

The reason I use these is because they are still used today I could and might well add some more as I go along, but here is the basics is what they did wrong? In short yes, however here is the other question why are we continuing to punch the son and daughters that had nothing to do with it, why are they forced to feel guilty for something they have not done. Is it not just as wrong to continue to do so after all this is now generations ago, if we want to start to go back in time then we would have to ask what about the crusades and the Romans? Or some of the mean other countless examples in history we have.

Yet the very people who go on about these things today do very little to bring about change in today’s problem world, we still have slavery even if it is criminal it still going on just renamed human trafficking.
I’ve notice how that this doesn’t make the headlines as much even thou this affects all races alike as these are often people kidnapped from their hometowns most seem to end up in a west country where if lucky enough to be found they are deported and the people who have done this to them get little more than a fine.
To summarise, we send them home where they are free to be attacked by the same people not more than a few months later with no help or aid to them… that is a really caring world isn’t it

And as for mass murder of religious or ethics groups that still going on in Africa and the middle east.
I think it’s about time we stopped talking about the past and looked at the now, there are more people dying now than ever before because of our blind eye nature, and giving money isn’t going to solve it, people need lives, they need safety from the criminals food and housing.

When are we going to end this madness and act like responsible humans and not children pointing the finger and saying but he started it?