Sunday, March 23, 2008

Act of nature Vs Acts of man

When something bad happens with weather or other unforeseen event we call it an act of god! but is that fair on god (personal I don't believe in god) but he does seem to get allot of bad press so for once I'll ask a question on his behalf if man can cause changes in the environment can we really blame god for this...

A strange thought crossed my mind the other day, global warming is a very popular subject at the moment but the thing that crossed my mind is they say that we are changing the environment if that is true can we blame god for freak weather?

Is it not also possible that we created this weather patten and if so would we ever admit to it knowing what that would mean to both insurance companies that its not an act of god and to us as a global people would have to say that OK maybe that tornado that ripped my house apart is just something I should expect for driving a car that has low fuel economy, or live with the fact that this means we might have kill all those around us by our actions, as it just as dangers as walking down the street and firing a gun with a blindfold on, I might hit no one or I might kill every one on the street you just can be sure.

So I looked up what an act of god is; Act of God or act of nature is a legal term for events outside of human control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters, for which no one can be held responsible. This does not protect those who put others in danger of acts of God through negligence, such as an adult who instructs a group of children to stand under a tree to escape a lightning storm.

So if we can say that global warming can change a class one tornado into a class five or can be held responsible for sudden rain fall are we liable ?

Some weekend thoughts

All our desires come from what’s within mankind’s hearts and although I cannot speak for others I know what’s in mine, do you know what's in yours.

The soul is like music unique to each of us, its flows in us like the river back to the sea on its path of enlightenment before returning home.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Envy is laziness

Envy is a state of mind that I have offend found hard to understand mostly because I’ve never felt it.

To envy is something you do not have however someone else has... but in most if not all case the thing that people are envying is something they can have too just they find it easy to sit there and talk about it, but they never really do anything about it.

It’s a form of laziness really I want to talk about how bad off I am but I don't want to do anything about it.

But to be fair to these people some of them really don't know where to start to get what they want.

The worst thing I’ve seen with envy is how it’s ended friendships... this is by far the silliest thing, to lose a friend because you don't have what they have? Can you only be friends with someone that is the same as you? That will lead me on to another talk later I’m sure but for now can we agree that envy is nothing more than a way of telling you that you want something.

So you know if you want something you have to work for it that can mean many things you will have to do.
If you work hard you will get it there are many people in the world that are examples of this.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Right To Education

When does a right to education become and enforced prison.

The right to education was designed that someone that with no opportunity to learn before be able to learn, but for those of us that have access to education we do not have the right to not learn, as its now enforced that from an early age to teenage you can not leave the education system.

But a right is the legal or moral entitlement, an option a choice something that children have been denied as they have no right to not learn, they also are not able to set what they learn.

So as adults are we not destroying what it is to be a child to have freedom to learn what you have an interest in.

In away as adults we are not repressing our kids and forcing them to work... if we think about this is it any less cruel than making them work in sweat shop? think about it for 8 hours a day we force them to attend and in the evening we give them home work... at least in the sweat shop once you leave you are free to rest.

And then there is the social pressure that if you don't get good marks you will never be given a good job, so at an early age we start to place stress on them, and after all this people question why teenage suicide rate is on the rise.

This right to education is no longer a right it has become a prison for children, that for some has become a death row.

I most likely sound extreme but its not till you look at it this way that you will take any notice, because it is all to easy for us to blame it on something or someone else for the children's problems.

Maybe we should give them the right back.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Stress or challenge

We all no that we don't like stress but sometimes it not what is put on us but how we deal with it.

Keep a level head... don't worry about things that you can't change, just deal with it the best you can.
Like when your flight gets delayed as an example and you know your going to miss that business meeting... don't stress it not your fault take a deep breath and say to yourself plan B phone ahead explain the problem calmly and ask them if you can reschedule, after all it is beyond your control.

When someone say it can not be done in a project! do you go oh sugar or do you use that's the opening for a challenge not a problem, there is always away the key is to keep this in mind and keep trying.

If your stress in life comes from one person like your manager remind him that there are rules of business conduct, do not be intimidated by them I know its harder than it sounds because you worry about losing your job but losing your mind is far worse and remember one thing you are better than these people.

Approach problems as a challenge and care about your mental health and you'll be happier than you can imagine, your new relaxed nature will attract people and jobs to you like you never could have imagined.