Sunday, March 09, 2008

Right To Education

When does a right to education become and enforced prison.

The right to education was designed that someone that with no opportunity to learn before be able to learn, but for those of us that have access to education we do not have the right to not learn, as its now enforced that from an early age to teenage you can not leave the education system.

But a right is the legal or moral entitlement, an option a choice something that children have been denied as they have no right to not learn, they also are not able to set what they learn.

So as adults are we not destroying what it is to be a child to have freedom to learn what you have an interest in.

In away as adults we are not repressing our kids and forcing them to work... if we think about this is it any less cruel than making them work in sweat shop? think about it for 8 hours a day we force them to attend and in the evening we give them home work... at least in the sweat shop once you leave you are free to rest.

And then there is the social pressure that if you don't get good marks you will never be given a good job, so at an early age we start to place stress on them, and after all this people question why teenage suicide rate is on the rise.

This right to education is no longer a right it has become a prison for children, that for some has become a death row.

I most likely sound extreme but its not till you look at it this way that you will take any notice, because it is all to easy for us to blame it on something or someone else for the children's problems.

Maybe we should give them the right back.

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