Monday, December 21, 2009

God was pro choice why isn't the church

What I am about to say is bound to upset some people but I’m going to ask the question anyway, because it’s one that I personally believe to be another oxymoron as god give you free will and the church tells you not to use it (I’d like to point out I have no problem with God just peoples interpretation of god’s word)

So let’s get down to it shall we, God made man in his own imagine and gave us free will or so the story goes, so equally that means that woman are also made in gods imagine and to her god gave form of body and free will to do with is as she choices.

So why do we have problems when she is using her God-given right to chose to do what she thinks is right, the argument that is used is that you are taking the life of another, however, being a parent is also a choice and one that must be made, but what it really comes down to when it’s all is said and done.
what does the woman want and god was very clear on this… you have free will so it’s her right to do what she wants with her body good bad or indifferent, and the sooner men understand this the better woman will get along with them.

OK let’s look at this another way I take a life every time I eat, even if I’m eating vegetables, they were alive, if I clap my hands I kill billions of life forms what makes a human special?
Nothing sorry but the answer is we are not special… we just haven’t learned to cope with it, unlike every other life form, a fish doesn’t say I’m special because I’m a fish so why do we think that god would see us as better that the rat’s the birds or the bee’s or one of the thousands of life forms we’ve already wiped out.

Summary let people live in peace and try to be respectful of people’s rights and views like it says in the book, and don't kill the birds and bee's.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

No new ideas ?
Ponder this for a moment, what if there are no new ideas in the world... Now before you dismiss this give it just some thought, think of the books that have been written in the last century.

Think of people like Leonardo De Vinci and others that have written about things century's before we had the tools needed to create such things.

Could it be that all the ideas are just floating around in a big think tank waiting for you to grab one and turn it from a day dream to something real?

For that matter could you be the next Leonardo De Vinci or Albert Einstein, remember this great man had no formal training on the subjects they became so well known for.

Don't dismiss idea's when they come to you as you could be turning down your place in history.

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." - Albert Einstein

Sunday, September 27, 2009


People are like flowers, they need watering, room to grow and when it comes time for them to flower all you can do is stand back and watch all the effort you've put into their development from afar.

be relaxed with people and give them the time to grow up, you can't expect results overnight.

Just as no two flowers are the same, no two people are the same, some have thorns like the rose, others bend is the summer breeze like the buttercup.

Whatever the flower you look after remember that it will only show you its greatness half the year so you must be willing to wait sometimes for the sun to return, just as better times will always come back, so will the beauty of the flower even after the hardest winter.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What do you want from life?

For most people I won't say all because no two people are the same, but for most people life is made up thing to be done.

We all goto school, we all get a job, and then we somewhere along the way try to find someone to share our life with.

Sounds simple, but is that really what we want?... Ok here is the way I see it.

We don't want to spend all our time in school, frankly after you've learned to count and read there isn't much point at being at school since you can now learn by yourself you are now a black belt. (black belt in martial arts means you've reached a level where you can teach yourself)
So isn't staying there another what lets say 12 years or so just a wast of time? anything you want to learn you can get from books or internet so be free and learn without guidance.

However back to the point I was trying to make... we want a family to love and be loved by, a place to call our own this is what 90% of us want and need to be happy.
So why do we spend our lives living in places that are nothing like this with people we don't like... because of money I here you say... but is it because we need the money or is it because we are told we need the money... how much does it cost to grow food not buy it?

Let me put it another way... 168,000 years ago... seems like yesterday to me.
man and woman lived together without money, just them and whatever they picked or killed to eat, made their homes where they liked and got up when they liked, so why did we make our lives more complicated?

It seems we can't see the wood for the trees.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.

Of this we can be sure, there is nothing that has been done that does not have consequences. The things that have been done before us and by us, we must start to pay for.
We can see it in nature and in the global economy what we have done to ourselves so far.

We've been the spoilt little children and now are toys are broken we find that there are no adults to help us... we must grow up in order to help ourselves.

Stop blaming others. Stop saying it someone else fault, and just get on with solving the problem like adult should.

If after 64 Million year humans still haven't learned that, then we deserve to have bad thing happen to us.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Natural Resources

One of the greatest natural resource is inspiration; it runs deep within us all and all it needs but a thought to tap its power.

Most often this comes in the form of a muse, one person that taps your inspiration by bringing you great satisfaction and glee, this give you the opportunity to explore the inner light and peace in your soul.

When this person comes along you will understand what freedom of thought really is as you’ll find ideas flowing to you like a mounting stream.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Don't give away

People often complain that they can't do something because other don't let them, but it was us that let them take these things from us and we did so the moment we put others in charge of our lives.

Personal responsibility is your right and your freedom don't give it up so easy, it was given to you when you were born...

Other maybe the ones that take things from you but it is you who gave them the ability to take it, fight for your freedoms, they are all we have in the end.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Misunderstood words

No one plans to fail, they just fail to plan.

This is my favorite saying of the week, and its so true... someone accused me of not being spontaneous this week and I was both intrigued and amused by this comment.
So when questioned as to why they think I'm not spontaneous and the answer I got was because I'm always planning.

I pointed out that I plan only as far as is needed, like I plan to go on holiday I don't plan what I'll do while I'm there.

Now spontaneous is a interesting word because it means to do something like a compulsion and desire at that time.

So as I explained I just do have the desire to do anything right now so I can't be spontaneous only lazy, since I don't have the desire to do something.

Another word I like and again is misunderstood is anarchy everyone seems to think this is so bad... but unless i'm very much mistaken man was living in anarchy for thousands of years without any problems with wars, the so called order we have today seems to me more crazy than anarchy ever was.

To be honest I think I'd rather live in anarchy, at least there are no wars, tax or trust in corrupt systems.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

behavior vs conscious choice

Most of us live in our day to day lives following a set of behaviour that we have learned as we grow up, and we don't think as a result we are doing not thinking.

example think about the first thing you do in the morning and ask yourself, was I doing that same thing last week as well ?

Do you find yourself using the catch phrase without thinking about it?
Do people go away to some distant place when you start talking about the old days ? (because you are telling the same story again)

I think you're starting to see commonality.
See we can all fall into a habit, but conscious choice is also part of everyone it gives you the power to override that autopilot that you're living in and become aware of the world you live in.

Another example, you're in the supermarket and you buy your favourite breakfast (how do you know it's you favourite ? have you tried all the other? or you just following the behaviour that this is what you always have)

When you're at a coffee shop do you try something new or do you have the same order all the time.

These are choices that you can make, however, this is the tip of the iceberg, there are so many choices around you every day that you simply didn't notice before, I hope you will start to see them now and use your conscious choice.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Who's Lazy

I've been lazy of late I have to admit but aren't we all?

It doesn't take a noble prize winning genius to notice the world is far from the lovely future we keep painting on the sci-fi channels.

Funny thing is when you ask someone what they are doing about it the answer almost always comes back to what can I do I'm just one person!

Well frankly you can do everything, it just takes one person because it's that mindset that is the real problem, you're looking for the crowd to help you but you feel alone. However if you start you'll soon find that the crowd finds you, but you have to get off you arse and change the first part yourself the power is in your hands and always has been.

So stop being lazy and get to work on changing the world or some that isn't running the way you like.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Why be normal when you can be better

I hear it allot that people say to one another that's not normal or your not normal.

Normality is made up by the masses so for me to be normal I'd have to be nothing special about me in any way so that I fit into this normal group, frankly this is something I just can't do because this would mean closing my eyes to the world around me.

Almost not a week goes by without me being called not normal, this is something I've come to accept and even come to like it as I like to stand out so much so that I've started pinning notes to my office space "why be normal when you can be better"

Being normal is to be nothing special, and I don't know one person that doesn't want to be special in some way.

So next time you feel yourself about to say "your not normal" say something like "wish I could be as cool as you" and see the response ;-) I promise it will be better.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


We are often slow to trust people with everything and friends are no different.

Making a new friend is like crossing a frozen river, at first you place your foot very softly on the ice testing it will hold, in the same way, we often say something to a new friend that might not be true or is quite interesting to see if it will be spread.

Just like the ice the more steps you take with this friend the greater your trust in them.

Sometimes the ice breaks other times it cracks and lots of the time it's deeper than you can see.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've worked a long time in Information Technology and in that area of the world security means allot but I find myself asking today is there anywhere security doesn't mean allot?

As people, we are always looking for job security to know that tomorrow if we go to work the job will be there.

We look for emotional security to know that the people we love also love us and will always be there, and of course physical security, that no one is going to harm us.

So as you see we really aren't very complex when you look at it, there are only a few things we want, so why is it so hard to get them?

The simplest answer comes in the form of emotions, hate, fear, envy, jealousy, spite, selfishness, greed.
These more negative emotions also drive people to do things that will result in making someone else lose their security.

I find it amazing that we talk about right and ethics yet most people no more understand them than they do the physics.
Both are simple subject if you only stop to think about them, but sadly we never give ourselves the time to think.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


In the dictionary, the definition of an adult is a person who is fully grown, but if I think closely about this I don’t know any adults because if you take someone to be grown to the level of meaning mentally then there isn’t one adult on this planet.

This I think might explain why when we look around is we see such childish behaviour, countries acting like children pointing at one another and say “be he started it”
But this is just one example, another example is the emotional blackmail that is placed on people by family such as but if you move away we won’t see you, It’s been my observation that people don’t seem to ever seem to see what is best for others might mean doing something you don’t want.

So I ask a simple question is it too much for us to grow up mentally as well as physically?

I don't believe I'm asking for the impossible just the reasonable.